How JavaScript Works Under the Hood
In the early days of the web, websites were mostly static with simple HTML and limited interactivity. Everything changed in 1995 with the introduction of JavaScript, which allowed for dynamic, interactive, and engaging web applications. JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich for Netscape 2, and by 1997, it had become the ECMA-262 standard. Designed to […]
Introduction to Hashing: A Comprehensive Guide
Hashing is another key concept of cryptography. It takes input of any length and provides the output of a fixed length, and we call it hash value or hash digest. Special Note: There are some hashing algorithms where the output size is not fixed. So, hashing can be used to generate unique fingerprints for data. […]
Unveiling AI Opportunities: A Business Analyst’s Guide
Businesses are always looking for innovative approaches to boost productivity, make better decisions, and open up new revenue streams in today’s cutthroat market. While there are many chances to accomplish these goals utilizing artificial intelligence (AI), it can be challenging to identify and prioritize the relevant AI initiatives within a business. Here’s a quick guide […]
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