Is Spatial Computing the Next Big Thing?
Today, we are starting a series of articles on “Transforming Industries Through Immersive Technologies.” Throughout this series, we’ll delve into how immersive technologies are revolutionising various sectors, exploring their potential and transformative impact. Our first article, “Is Spatial Computing the Next Big Thing?” will introduce spatial computing and its foundational concepts. Let’s explore the transformative […]
The Role of Number Theory in Cryptography
Ever thought about how your digital devices and online platforms keep your information safe? You already know, it’s Cryptography. But how does cryptography work? It’s all thanks to number theory, a branch of math that supports cryptography. This article is all about exploring how number theory and digital security are connected. It shows how prime […]
The Role of Functional Testing in Guaranteeing Software Quality
In the realm of software development, ensuring the quality of a product is paramount. One of the most effective ways to achieve high-quality software is through functional testing. This blog post will delve into what functional testing is, its benefits, and how it significantly enhances software quality. What is Functional Testing? Functional testing is a […]
Introduction to Secret Splitting: A Comprehensive Guide
We discussed encryption, and how to utilize it to secure the secret by making them unreadable. But did you ever think about breaking your secret into several pieces? Hold On? I am not talking about chunking your secret into 5 pieces and storing them in 5 different storages. This approach is much advanced, and it […]
The Future of Graphic Design in the IT Industry
Introduction Graphic design is a vital part of the IT industry, helping to create engaging and user-friendly software and websites. As technology continues to advance, the role of graphic design in the IT industry is evolving. This article explores the future of graphic design in the IT world and what designers can expect in the […]
Building a state-of-the-art ML inference API endpoint
TL;DR: Machine Learning inferences take time, from a few seconds (X-to-text) to one minute (image-to-image). As a DevOps or MLOps engineer, you want to build a Model-as-a-Service (MaaS) that can scale up and down, be as cost effective as possible, and serve inference from API calls. If so, this article will describe the main components […]
Advanced Concepts of Kubernetes Scaling
Introduction Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform, is designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. As applications experience varying loads and resource demands, Kubernetes provides several mechanisms to ensure that the system remains responsive and efficient. Scaling in Kubernetes refers to adjusting the number of resources allocated to an application dynamically. […]
How JavaScript Works Under the Hood
In the early days of the web, websites were mostly static with simple HTML and limited interactivity. Everything changed in 1995 with the introduction of JavaScript, which allowed for dynamic, interactive, and engaging web applications. JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich for Netscape 2, and by 1997, it had become the ECMA-262 standard. Designed to […]
Introduction to Hashing: A Comprehensive Guide
Hashing is another key concept of cryptography. It takes input of any length and provides the output of a fixed length, and we call it hash value or hash digest. Special Note: There are some hashing algorithms where the output size is not fixed. So, hashing can be used to generate unique fingerprints for data. […]
Maximizing Threat Detection: The Power of Security Event Management (SEM) Platforms
Hi All, I’ll be talking about my involvement in the technical aspects of a project as a Business Analyst. This post will follow my introduction into Security and just a bit of knowledge sharing on that particular area. See below for some insights into Security Monitoring and tools that can be used to detect Threats, […]
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