The Role of Number Theory in Cryptography
Ever thought about how your digital devices and online platforms keep your information safe? You already know, it’s Cryptography. But how does cryptography work? It’s all thanks to number theory, a branch of math that supports cryptography. This article is all about exploring how number theory and digital security are connected. It shows how prime […]
Introduction to Secret Splitting: A Comprehensive Guide
We discussed encryption, and how to utilize it to secure the secret by making them unreadable. But did you ever think about breaking your secret into several pieces? Hold On? I am not talking about chunking your secret into 5 pieces and storing them in 5 different storages. This approach is much advanced, and it […]
Introduction to Hashing: A Comprehensive Guide
Hashing is another key concept of cryptography. It takes input of any length and provides the output of a fixed length, and we call it hash value or hash digest. Special Note: There are some hashing algorithms where the output size is not fixed. So, hashing can be used to generate unique fingerprints for data. […]
Introduction to Digital Signatures: A Comprehensive Guide
So far, we covered almost all the basic topics of cryptography in this series. But one more important topic is left to be discussed. Last, but not least, the topic for today’s article is Digital Signatures. Digital Signing is a mathematical technique for verifying digital messages or electronic documents. It’s widely used in various applications […]
Introduction to Key Sharing: Understanding the Diffie-Hellman
This is the 6th article of the article series on Cryptology. So far, we discussed encryption, symmetric and asymmetric encryption approaches, and also how to utilize both symmetric and asymmetric approaches at the same time with hybrid approaches. People use hybrid approaches to overcome the key exchanging issues of symmetric encryption. In brief, when using […]
Hybrid Encryption: Utilizing Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption for Enhanced Protection
We already discussed encryption and the symmetric and asymmetric encryption schemas in the previous articles. It also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each schema. Even though encryption plays a vital role in safeguarding sensitive data from unauthorized access, sticking to a single encryption schema can be vulnerable in your use case, and also, it […]
Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption [Part 02]: Understanding the Differences
In the previous article, we discussed the theories behind symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Now, let’s explore how these encryption methods are used in real-world scenarios. Imagine Alice needs to send a secret message to Bob through an unsecured channel, and Bob also needs to send a reply. So, let’s understand how they can utilize symmetric […]
Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption [Part 01]: Understanding the Differences
In the previous article series, we discussed the encryption and decryption processes. We know that encryption plays a crucial role in securing sensitive information from unauthorized access. In this article, we’ll look at the two fundamental methods of encryption : symmetric and asymmetric. The main difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption is the usage of […]
Introduction to Encryption [Part 02] : Understanding the Basics – Use Cases
In the previous article Part 01, we covered the theories about encryption and decryption. But just learning theories without understanding use cases is useless. So the focus of this article is to explain why we need encryption, and what will happen without it. In a world without Encryption… Meet Alice and Bob. Alice has a […]
Introduction to Encryption [Part 01] : Understanding the Basics
In today’s digital era, where vast information is stored and transmitted across networks, safeguarding data is crucial. Data breaches can cause serious problems from financial losses to reputational damages. Encryption is key to keeping digital data secure. By implementing encryption techniques the right way, we can protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, a facet commonly […]
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