How Developers Are Using Chromebooks
Chromebooks have long been seen as lightweight, cloud-first devices primarily suited for casual users and students. However, with advances in ChromeOS, Linux (Crostini), and cloud-based development environments, developers are increasingly experimenting with Chromebooks as their primary or secondary development machines. In this article, we’ll explore how developers are using Chromebooks, their limitations, and whether they […]
New Year Celebration – 2025
The New Year at Codimite began in the best way possible with all of us coming together. By 9:30 AM, the office was buzzing with excitement, laughter, and hope as we kicked off 2025 as a team. The celebrations began with the traditional kiri utharanawa (boiling milk), symbolizing prosperity and new beginnings. As the milk […]
2025CodimiteNew Year 10 min read
Codimite Men’s Day Celebration
On November 22, 2024, Codimite hosted a fantastic celebration of International Men’s Day, making it a day to remember. From laughter-filled activities to thoughtful gestures, the event had something special for everyone. The day kicked off on the third floor, where participants picked up their personalized gift bags. Inside, we found two unique cards – […]
Codimite Annual Trip 2024
My journey to Nuwara Eliya with Codimite has been nothing short of amazing! It was my first trip with the team, and every moment was filled with laughter, connection, and unforgettable memories. The excitement was palpable as we gathered early at the office, all ready for the adventure ahead. Spirits were high as we sang […]
New Office Opening
On November 4th, 2024, our Codimite team gathered with tons of excitement to celebrate something we’d all been waiting for — the opening of our brand-new office! The day kicked off with team members receiving their new office IDs, a small but meaningful token to mark this next chapter. Then, the opening ceremony started with […]
Codimite Movie Day
The Codimite team took a break from coding and debugging to enjoy a movie day at Scope Cinemas, Colombo City Centre on the 02nd of August. We booked the entire cinema hall for a private screening, ensuring an exclusive experience just for us. The movie of choice? After a spirited team poll, we settled on […]
Codimitemovie dayteam 10 min read
Codimite Boys Trip
Last weekend, the Codimite Boys decided to trade in their keyboards for backpacks and set off on an epic trip to Serenity Village Wewila. And let’s just say, it was one for the books! From the moment we rolled into Wewila, we knew we were in for something special. The place is like a postcard […]
Boys TripCodimiteFun 10 min read
Codimite’s RingCentral to Zoom Team Chat Migration Service
In the ever-evolving landscape of business communication, companies are constantly seeking more efficient and integrated solutions. As organizations navigate this digital transformation, many are turning their attention to Zoom Team Chat as a comprehensive platform for their collaboration needs. However, the prospect of migrating from an established system like RingCentral can be daunting. That’s where […]
Super AI is the largest AI conference in Asia, and this year it took place on June 5th and 6th during Singapore’s AI Week. The event featured keynote speeches, panel discussions, company booths, and many networking opportunities. AI startups and enthusiasts from all over the world gathered to learn about the latest advancements in AI. […]
AICodimitesuperai 10 min read
Seamlessly Switch From Microsoft Teams to Zoom Team Chat: A Review of Codimite’s Migration Service
In today’s dynamic work environment, organizations are continually seeking efficient tools to enhance collaboration. As Zoom Team Chat becomes increasingly popular, many organizations using Microsoft Teams are considering a switch. The Codimite Microsoft Teams to Zoom Migration Service is designed to facilitate this transition smoothly, ensuring that users and data are migrated seamlessly without disrupting […]
Staff Picks
Introduction to Containerization and Getting Started with DockerHow Developers Are Using ChromebooksVibe Coding: The Future of Software Development EfficiencyStreamline Your Automation Testing with GitHub ActionsThe Seven Principles of Software Testing: A Guide for Effective QA
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