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Today's Highlight
An Introduction to Design Patterns: Understanding the Foundations of Software Architecture
In the world of software development, design patterns are a powerful tool that every developer should have in their toolkit. They provide proven solutions to common problems, making code more modular, maintainable, and…
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Blog Posts
Codimite Blog Team
Jul 11, 2024
6min read
Codimite’s RingCentral to Zoom Team Chat Migration Service
In the ever-evolving landscape of business communication, companies are constantly seeking more efficient and integrated solutions. As organizations navigate this digital transformation, many are turning…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 10, 2024
4min read
PDCA Cycle in the Software Quality Assurance Process
In software testing, Quality Assurance (QA) can be quoted as a technique to ensure the quality of software products or services delivered to clients by…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 09, 2024
5min read
The Role of Functional Testing in Guaranteeing Software Quality
In the realm of software development, ensuring the quality of a product is paramount. One of the most effective ways to achieve high-quality software is…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 08, 2024
6min read
Introduction to Secret Splitting: A Comprehensive Guide
We discussed encryption, and how to utilize it to secure the secret by making them unreadable. But did you ever think about breaking your secret…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 05, 2024
4min read
The Future of Graphic Design in the IT Industry
Introduction Graphic design is a vital part of the IT industry, helping to create engaging and user-friendly software and websites. As technology continues to advance,…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 04, 2024
5min read
Building a state-of-the-art ML inference API endpoint
TL;DR: Machine Learning inferences take time, from a few seconds (X-to-text) to one minute (image-to-image). As a DevOps or MLOps engineer, you want to build…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 03, 2024
4min read
Advanced Concepts of Kubernetes Scaling
Introduction Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform, is designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. As applications experience varying loads and…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 02, 2024
4min read
How JavaScript Works Under the Hood
In the early days of the web, websites were mostly static with simple HTML and limited interactivity. Everything changed in 1995 with the introduction of…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 01, 2024
4min read
Introduction to Hashing: A Comprehensive Guide
Hashing is another key concept of cryptography. It takes input of any length and provides the output of a fixed length, and we call it…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jun 28, 2024
4min read
Maximizing Threat Detection: The Power of Security Event Management (SEM) Platforms
Hi All, I’ll be talking about my involvement in the technical aspects of a project as a Business Analyst. This post will follow my introduction…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jun 27, 2024
4min read
Cultivating a Culture of Excellence: The Power of Work Ethics
Understanding Work Ethics Work ethics can be defined as moral standards or values, that workers set and follow within their careers. It can spread on…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jun 26, 2024
4min read
Introduction to Digital Signatures: A Comprehensive Guide
So far, we covered almost all the basic topics of cryptography in this series. But one more important topic is left to be discussed. Last,…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jun 25, 2024
5min read
How to adopt UX process to Software projects
What is UI & UX UI (User Interface) Design: User Interface (UI) design focuses on creating visually appealing and functional interfaces that users interact with…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jun 24, 2024
4min read
Latest Quality Assurance tools and techniques for Software Development
Quality Assurance is an important part of software development and it’s ensuring the quality, functionality, performance and reliability of the software products. Quality Assurance includes…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jun 21, 2024
3min read
Innovative Graphic Design Techniques for Software Marketing
Marketing software products can be challenging because the market is crowded and competitive. Innovative graphic design techniques can make a software product stand out, attract…
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Codimite Events
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Codimite Events
Transforming Industries Through Immersive Technologies
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Transforming Industries Through Immersive Technologies
API Testing
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API Testing
Cryptography and Encryption Series
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Cryptography and Encryption Series
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