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Today's Highlight
UX in Mobile Design: Best Practices
Mobile design has rapidly evolved, with users demanding faster, simpler, and more intuitive experiences. With millions of apps vying for attention, excellent user experience (UX) has become a critical factor in a mobile…
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Blog Posts
Codimite Blog Team
Jul 24, 2024
6min read
Embracing the Future: How Codeless Testing is Revolutionizing Software Quality Assurance
In the rapidly changing world of software development, the demand for efficient and effective testing solutions is greater than ever. Codeless testing has emerged as…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 23, 2024
5min read
The Role of a Technical Business Analyst in Cybersecurity of a Project
As a Business Analyst whose scope extends traditional boundaries, we work on various technical and security aspects of the projects. See my previous article on…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 22, 2024
3min read
Understanding the Microsoft System Outage: Causes and Lessons Learned
Introduction On July 19, 2024, a defective update to CrowdStrike's security software caused numerous Windows-based machines to crash and become unable to boot properly. The…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 19, 2024
4min read
The Role of Graphic Design in Creating User-Friendly Software Interfaces
Graphic design plays a crucial role in making software easy to use. A well-designed interface can make software more intuitive, engaging, and efficient. This article…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 18, 2024
4min read
The Role of Business Analysts in Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is no longer a buzzword; it’s a crucial strategy for businesses striving to remain competitive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Central to…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 17, 2024
5min read
Enhancing Your Test Automation with Advanced TestNG Techniques
In the world of software testing, automation is key to ensuring efficiency and consistency. TestNG is a powerful testing framework. It has several additional features…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 16, 2024
-10min read
Is Spatial Computing the Next Big Thing?
Today, we are starting a series of articles on "Transforming Industries Through Immersive Technologies." Throughout this series, we'll delve into how immersive technologies are revolutionising…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 15, 2024
3min read
The Role of Number Theory in Cryptography
Ever thought about how your digital devices and online platforms keep your information safe? You already know, it’s Cryptography. But how does cryptography work? It's…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 12, 2024
4min read
The Evolution of Graphic Design in Software Development
Graphic design has always been a crucial part of software development. It helps make software attractive, easy to use, and effective. Over the years, graphic…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 11, 2024
6min read
Codimite’s RingCentral to Zoom Team Chat Migration Service
In the ever-evolving landscape of business communication, companies are constantly seeking more efficient and integrated solutions. As organizations navigate this digital transformation, many are turning…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 10, 2024
4min read
PDCA Cycle in the Software Quality Assurance Process
In software testing, Quality Assurance (QA) can be quoted as a technique to ensure the quality of software products or services delivered to clients by…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 09, 2024
5min read
The Role of Functional Testing in Guaranteeing Software Quality
In the realm of software development, ensuring the quality of a product is paramount. One of the most effective ways to achieve high-quality software is…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 08, 2024
6min read
Introduction to Secret Splitting: A Comprehensive Guide
We discussed encryption, and how to utilize it to secure the secret by making them unreadable. But did you ever think about breaking your secret…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 05, 2024
4min read
The Future of Graphic Design in the IT Industry
Introduction Graphic design is a vital part of the IT industry, helping to create engaging and user-friendly software and websites. As technology continues to advance,…
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Codimite Blog Team
Jul 04, 2024
5min read
Building a state-of-the-art ML inference API endpoint
TL;DR: Machine Learning inferences take time, from a few seconds (X-to-text) to one minute (image-to-image). As a DevOps or MLOps engineer, you want to build…
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Codimite Events
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Codimite Events
Transforming Industries Through Immersive Technologies
Icon 2 Articles
Transforming Industries Through Immersive Technologies
API Testing
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API Testing
Cryptography and Encryption Series
Icon 10 Articles
Cryptography and Encryption Series
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