Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is a methodology that focuses on defining software features in terms of their expected behaviors. Instead of starting with technical details or code, BDD begins with scenarios written in plain language that describe how the software should behave in real-world situations. These scenarios follow a clear structure using Given-When-Then statements, making them easy for both technical and non-technical team members to understand.
The primary goal of BDD is to ensure that all team members, from developers to product owners are on the same page regarding the software’s features and functionalities. This collaborative approach minimizes misunderstandings and results in a product that aligns more closely with user needs.
BDD encourages a collaborative workflow where the roles of the Business Analyst, QA Engineers, and developers are clearly defined, but they work closely together to ensure successful outcomes. Let’s break down how each role contributes to the BDD process.
Step 1: BA Explains the Requirements
The first step in the BDD process is the Business Analyst explaining the business requirements and the desired behavior of the software. This is typically done in a "Three Amigos" meeting, which involves the BA, a developer, and a QA engineer. The BA shares the high-level goals of the feature, the problem it aims to solve, and the expected outcomes. The BA might not go into technical detail but will focus on the user experience and business value.
For example, the BA might explain a login feature for an e-commerce app:
Step 2: QA Writes Test Cases in BDD Format
After the BA explains the requirements, the QA Engineers write the BDD test cases. These test cases are written in plain language using the Given-When-Then format. The goal of the QA team is to capture the user behavior, not the implementation details. For example, based on the login requirement, the QA might write the following scenario in Gherkin syntax (a common language used in BDD):
Feature: User Login
Scenario: Unsuccessful login with incorrect credentials
Given the user navigates to the login page
When they enter an incorrect username or password
Then they should see an error message
These BDD scenarios are living documentation that describe how the feature should behave. QA ensures the scenarios cover a range of conditions such as valid logins, invalid logins, password recovery, etc to ensure comprehensive test coverage.
Step 3: Developer Starts Coding Based on the BDD Test Cases
Once the BDD test cases are defined, developers begin coding. The test cases are treated as a guide, and developers work towards making each test case pass. In the BDD approach, development follows the test-first approach. Developers write the code that implements the behavior described in the test cases, ensuring that the software behaves as expected.
For example, in the case of the login feature, the developer might implement the login functionality, ensuring that when an incorrect username or password is entered, an error message appears. The developer then runs the BDD tests, which are already defined by QA, to verify that the software behaves according to the scenarios.
This approach ensures that developers focus on delivering the expected behavior of the software, not just writing code that works.
This collaborative approach offers several benefits:
BDD is a powerful approach that fosters collaboration and alignment between BAs, QA testers, and developers. By writing behavior-driven test cases in plain language, teams ensure that software is developed to meet real-world user needs, with fewer misunderstandings and errors. This collaborative workflow promotes clear communication, ensures the software delivers value, and helps create better user experiences. Through BDD, teams can build software that not only works but works exactly as expected.